Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Final Film

We have been working really hard the last few days to edit all our film footage to a 4 minute long film. We wanted to get all the elements of our project into the film, the idea of hidden Manchester (we spent a day filming hidden areas of Manchester), the water dissolvable fabric films, the projections and our samples. We started by mixing all elements together but this came across as quite confusing and not making sense to the audience. We decided to simplify it and just have projected images onto our model flashing to the beat of our chosen tracks, this works well and looks exciting and intriguing. Another idea was to project the film onto an open shirt to show our concept of inside Manchester and hidden gems and film it then use this as the final film, we experimented with this but decided that this was not as successful or as clear as just showing the original film. Here are some images of the film being projected onto the shirt..

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